
Hansa (PARKA)

hansa3 hansa2 hansa1 1_parka
10,00 € each
Plant age (years)

15 items in stock
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Height: 150-215 cm, width 120-215 cm. Color of the blossoms ranges from lilac to purple, the flowers are large (7-9 cm), filled, arranged in clusters. Strong aroma. Flowers that bloom in the second half of summer should not be pruned because they form large, red fruits. Blooms profusely until late autumn. It is recommended to plant this rose in a sunny place, to mulch every season. During the winter it needs to be covered. Bred by Schaum & van Tol in the Netherlands, 1905.

* The Swedish Rose Association recommends this park rose for cultivation in the north of Sweden, so it is also well suited for cultivation in Latvia.

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