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  • Knirps (KLĀJ) (County of Hampshire, Hot Pink Balconia ®, KO 87/1583-01, KORverlandus, Little Chap™, Little Chap Vigorosa)

Knirps (KLĀJ) (County of Hampshire, Hot Pink Balconia ®, KO 87/1583-01, KORverlandus, Little Chap™, Little Chap Vigorosa)

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12,00 € each
Plant age (years)

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Height 20-30 cm, width 70 cm. Flowers 3 cm in diameter, terry. Flowers are gathered in inflorescences. The bush is branched. Continuously blooming rose. The fragrance is light. The color is dark pink. Medium resistance to rain. High resistance to disease. Breeder W. Kordes & Sons (Germany, 1987). 

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