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  • Sommerwind (KLĀJ) (KORlanum, Surrey, Vent d'Ete, Göteborgs Posten, Sommarwind, Summerwind)

Sommerwind (KLĀJ) (KORlanum, Surrey, Vent d'Ete, Göteborgs Posten, Sommarwind, Summerwind)

sommerwind3 sommerwind2 sommerwind1 sommerwind4
12,00 € each
Plant age (years)

No stock
Height 60-80 cm, width 125 cm. Flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm (on average 20 petals). Inflorescences contain 5-10 flowers. Continuously, abundantly blooming rose. The bush is spreading and branched. The aroma is light. The color is soft pink. Average rain resistance. High resistance to diseases. Breeder Reimer Kordes (Germany, 1985).
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