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  • Für Elise (FL) (KORelifur, KO 09/3029-02, Marszalkowa Aleksandra Pilsudska, Pour Elise)

Für Elise (FL) (KORelifur, KO 09/3029-02, Marszalkowa Aleksandra Pilsudska, Pour Elise)

462648922_976944154458982_8735840946229611324_n elise elise1
Common price: 8,00 € Our price: 12,00 € each

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Height 70-100 cm, width up to 40 cm. Upright, disease-resistant, very compact shrub blooms profusely. Blooms very full, purple-violet. Strong fragrance. Healthy foliage. Bred in the nursery “W. Kordes & Sons” in Germany, 2009. From the “Fantasia” collection of the company “”Kordes Roses”.

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